Arya Marriage Bilaspur - 8989738486
Arya Samaj is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘A Noble gathering'. The foundation of Arya Samaj is based exclusively on the Vedas, which states that God is an all-powerful and formless Supreme Being who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Arya Samaj was established to get rid of social evils of Hindu society, it was founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in the year 1875, orthodoxy and social evils such as un-touchability etc., from society. It is non-denominational authentic Hindu-Vedic religious organization dedicated to remove superstition established to propagate true pristine knowledge enshrined in Vedas. Arya Samaj Mandir at Bilaspur is performing vedic rituals.
To educate women and downtrodden of society, Arya Samaj opened many educational institutions such as schools, colleges, technical institutions such as medical and engineering colleges and universities. It encouraged Hindu interdenominational marriages and also widow remarriages. Arya Samaj intellectuals and followers successfully achieved the goals of bringing equality of all sections of society and helped achieve the independence of India from British rule. Wherever Hindus migrated in the world, they established Arya Samaj. Arya Samaj is pure Hindu organization that teaches the true Vedic religion the basics of Hindu religion.
Rules and Regulations
1. God is the efficient cause of all true (Satya) knowledge and all that is known through knowledge.
2. God is existent, intelligent and blissful. He is formless, omniscient, just, merciful, unborn, endless, unchangeable, beginning-less, unequalled, the support of all, the master of all, omnipresent, immanent, un-aging, immortal, fearless, eternal, and holy, and the maker of all. He alone is worthy of being worshipped.
3. The Vedas are the scriptures of all true (Satya) knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all Aryas to read them, teach them, recite them and to hear them being read.
4. One should always be ready to accept truth (Satya) and renounce untruth.
5. All acts should be performed in accordance with Dharm that is, after deliberating what is right and wrong.
6. The prime object of the Arya Samaj is to do good to the world, that is, to promote physical, spiritual and social good of everyone.
7. Our conduct towards all should be guided by love, righteousness and justice.
8. We should dispel ignorance and promote knowledge.
9. No one should be content with promoting his/her good only: on the contrary, one should look for his/her good in promoting good of all.
10. One should regard oneself under restriction to follow the rules of society calculated to promote the well being of all, while in following the rules of individual welfare all should be free.
Worship of God- According to Arya Samaj, worship of God consists in 3 acts:
(a) The first and foremost is to study the Vedas- Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda & Atharva Veda, with the motivation to acquire knowledge of God.
(b) The observance of Dharma (moral duty and action) as prescribed by God in the Vedas.
(c) Worship of God by fire or the homa-sacrifice, this involves the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra and other sacred mantra.
1. The Arya Samaj does not believe in the infallibility or immunity from mistakes. To err is to be human.
2. The only appropriate forms of worship are that of the fire (havan).
3. The Arya Samaj believes in the Law of Karma. This is the truth that "acts must follow by their consequences, that the result of actions cannot be warded off or atoned by any means". This is in connection with the theory of reincarnation.
4. The Arya Samaj does not believe in "Fate". Those born in a lowly position are not condemned to live a life of despair. It is the soul system that has degraded people to punish them for the positions of the rich and powerful.
5. Everyone can make and unmake his or her destiny through the Law of Karma.
6. The Vedas are infallible and expects every woman and man to know them and to expound them for the benefits of others.
Contact for More Info. -
Please do not call us after 8:00 PM
Regional Office (Bilaspur)
Arya Samaj Sanskar Kendra
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Bilaspur Branch
Agrasen Chouk, Super Market
Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) 495001
Helpline : 8120018052, 8989738486
National Administrative Office
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Arya Samaj Mandir Annapurna
Narendra Tiwari Marg
Near Bank of India
Opp. Dussehra Maidan
Bank Colony, Indore (M.P.) 452009
Tel.: 0731-2489383, 9302101186
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भाग्य का आधार विचार पद्धति है। व्यक्ति जिन विचारों से प्रेरणा पाता है, उन्हीं अनुरूप कार्य करता है, कार्यों के अनुसार भाग्य बनता-बिगड़ता है।
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The basis of luck is the thought process. The thoughts from which a person gets inspiration, he acts according to those thoughts, according to the actions, the fate becomes or deteriorates.
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बाह्य दृष्टि से दोनों एक सामान ही दीखते हैं, पर वास्तव में आंतरिक दृष्टि से दोनों में आसमान और पाताल-सा असाधारण अंतर व्याप्त होता है। अज्ञानी, विद्याहीन, भोगी और नास्तिक स्तर के लोग सभी प्रकार के भोगों का, भौतिक साधनों का उपभोग करते रहने के बावजूद भी दुःखी रहते हैं। अथाह भौतिक सुख-साधनों के बीच होते हुए भी उनके जीवन में सुख-शांति का सर्वथा अभाव होता है।
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From the external point of view, both look the same, but in reality, from the internal point of view, there is an extraordinary difference between the two like sky and underworld. Ignorant, uneducated, indulgent and atheist level people remain unhappy even after consuming all kinds of enjoyments, material means. Despite being in the midst of immeasurable material comforts, there is a complete lack of happiness and peace in their lives.
भौतिक साधनों, भोगों से क्षणिक व तात्कालिक सुख वे अवश्य पाते हैं, पर अगले ही पल वे फिर से दुःखी व निराश हो जाते हैं। वे फिर से अतृप्त हो जाते हैं। वे सुख-साधनों के होते हुए भी उन साधनों के समाप्त हो जाने या छीन जाने के अज्ञात भय से हमेशा भयभीत रहते हैं। रह-रहकर उनके मन में भय व निराशा के काले बदल घिर आते हैं। वे सुख-दुःख पाप-पुण्य, शुभ-अशुभ, अच्छे-बुरे कर्मों के बंधन में बँधे रहते हैं। उनके हर कर्म उन्हें बाँधने वाले होते हैं।
Vedic Pandits Helpline Bilaspur | Hindu Pandits Helpline Bilaspur | Pandit Ji Bilaspur | Arya Samaj Intercast Matrimony Bilaspur | Arya Samaj Hindu Temple Bilaspur | Hindu Matrimony Bilaspur | Arya Samaj Helpline Bilaspur | Arya Samaj Mandir Helpline Bilaspur Chhattisgarh | वेद | महर्षि दयानन्द सरस्वती | विवाह समारोह | हवन | आर्य समाज पंडित | आर्य समाजी पंडित | अस्पृश्यता निवारणार्थ अन्तरजातीय विवाह बिलासपुर | आर्य समाज मन्दिर बिलासपुर | आर्य समाज मन्दिर विवाह बिलासपुर | वास्तु शान्ति हवन | आर्य समाज मन्दिर बिलासपुर छत्तीसगढ़ | आर्य समाज विवाह छत्तीसगढ़ भारत
They definitely get momentary and immediate happiness from material means and enjoyments, but the next moment they again become sad and disappointed. They get satisfied again. They are always in fear of the unknown fear of ending or snatching those means despite having comforts. Dark clouds of fear and despair keep creeping into their mind. They remain bound in the bondage of happiness-sorrow, sin-virtue, good-bad, good-bad deeds. Their every action binds them.
बदलता परिदृश्य जैसा हि बदलता हुआ परिदृश्य सभी को दिखाई दे रहा है। बच्चों को अक्सर हायर एजुकेशन के लिए घर से दूर जाना पड़ता है। जो विदेशों में या बड़े शहरों में चले जाते हैं, उनमें से कुछ तो कभी नहीं लौटते, रिटायर्ड माँ-बाप को कुछ रुपए भेजकर छुट्टी पा लेते हैं, जो बाद में कम होते-होते लगभग बंद हो जाते हैं। वे उनकी मृत्यु के समय उपस्थित...